CCPD Presentation Request Form: Submission #8

Submission Number: 8
Submission ID: 20625
Submission UUID: ceea9e1c-7337-494a-8681-b15255a55098

Created: Thu, 03/17/2022 - 11:15
Completed: Thu, 03/17/2022 - 11:15
Changed: Thu, 03/17/2022 - 11:15

Remote IP address: 2620:0:2820:503:d11f:a498:28f2:621b
Submitted by: Anonymous
Language: English

Is draft: No
Your email address::
Contact person's full name :
Rossana Berríos

Contact person's e-mail address::
Contact person's telephone number:: 7875040500
Name of club, organization, or course: Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineering Club at RPI
Please indicate the type of group requesting the presentation:: Student Organization
Please provide a brief description of the group, including primary class level and major(s)::
The purpose of this club is to help develop RPI’s Industrial Engineers through professional development events, study sessions, info sessions, and networking opportunities. We intend to serve as a nexus between the student community, staff, and faculty members in the Industrial and Systems Engineering department. 

Please indicate if you are requesting a presentation as a....: Student

Topic of the program requested:: Mastering the Interview
Anticipated attendance : still pending 
Preferred presentation date: : Wed, 03/23/2022 - 00:00
Alternate presentation date:: Thu, 03/24/2022 - 00:00
Preferred presentation start time:: 3:30 PM
Preferred presentation end time:: 4:30 PM
Requested workshop location: {Empty}
Desired location:

Please provide any additional details or comments you have about the nature of this presentation::
We are restarting the IISE Club at RPI, and our intention is to attract more IME's to the club holding attractive events like this one!

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