
Submitted by GEORGE on

Some of the most used field elements are Select, Radios, and Checkboxes. These elements allow a user to select one or more options. Webforms has pre-built option sets to make things easier.

When adding or editing one of these elements, there's a section for Element Options. You can add your own options here, but you can also click the "Options" select field and pick from ready-made sets.

Results Digest

Submitted by GEORGE on

Quick often, people want the webform to email them the submissions. Sometimes, that means you get a lot of emails.

There's a new feature called Results Digest that will email you a spreadsheet of all of the results, on the day of your choosing. Instead of getting twenty or hundreds of emails, you'll get one.

The spreadsheet contains all the results from the last ten days.

You can configure it to run every day, or on a particular day of the week.

Duplicating a webform

Submitted by GEORGE on
Operations dropdown, Duplicate

Sometimes, it's handy to be able to quickly copy a form and just change a few things. Fortunately, it's easy to do so.

From the page that lists all the webforms you have access to, the right column is for "Operations." There's a dropdown there, and one of the options is "Duplicate."

Basic Form Elements

Submitted by GEORGE on

The types of fields on a webform are called "elements." There are a lot of types, and some are obvious and some are more complicated. When you add an element, the dialog that pops up provides brief descriptions of each.

A text field is pretty straight forward.

An email field does some validation, to prevent people from submitting things that are not email addresses.

Similarly, there is a RIN element that makes sure the value submitted is a valid RIN.

Otherwise, people could enter "bananas" and that wouldn't help you.

Webforms Wednesdays!

Submitted by GEORGE on

We're going to start writing up quick, helpful posts (probably with screenshots) to make using Webforms easier and more productive. Posts should be up Wednesday mornings: stay tuned!

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