CCPD Presentation Request Form: Submission #47
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Submission information
Submission Number: 47
Submission ID: 45858
Submission UUID: e202aaeb-5231-4dd2-8ad7-83da2ef6640e
Submission URI: /ccpd-presentation-request-form
Created: Thu, 07/20/2023 - 11:53
Completed: Thu, 07/20/2023 - 11:53
Changed: Thu, 07/20/2023 - 11:53
Remote IP address: 2620:0:2820:2000:1845:72e4:100d:c8dc
Submitted by: Anonymous
Language: English
Is draft: No
Webform: CCPD Presentation Request Form
Submitted to: CCPD Presentation Request Form
Halen Emerson
Student Living and Learning RA training
Departmental Organization
This is the fall RA training occurring in August. I would love for someone in CCPD to talk with our student staff about your work in CCPD, the services you provide, and how RAs can refer students to your office. I am hoping that you will have 30 minutes to speak with our staff and answer any questions that they may have. I am flexible with time, so if you need more or less, or a different time of day, let me know and I can accommodate that.
About CCPD; what services are offered for each cohort; what are the most and least utilized services you provide; what questions do you see most frequently with students; what should an RA know about CCPD in order to be a referral source
Wed, 08/16/2023 - 00:00
Thu, 08/17/2023 - 00:00
10:00 AM
10:45 AM
Hefner Alumni House Great Room
If you would like any assistance from SLL regarding this presentation or you have any questions about the nature of the RAs work, please let me know!