CCPD Presentation Request Form: Submission #48

Submission Number: 48
Submission ID: 47890
Submission UUID: 9a6d95a4-869b-4c75-9553-e45c0afce73e

Created: Tue, 09/05/2023 - 10:58
Completed: Tue, 09/05/2023 - 10:58
Changed: Tue, 09/05/2023 - 10:58

Remote IP address:
Submitted by: Anonymous
Language: English

Is draft: No
Your email address:
Contact person's full name Shreya Behera
Contact person's e-mail address:
Contact person's telephone number: 9046084976
Name of club, organization, or course Society of Women Engineers and Women in Business
Please indicate the type of group requesting the presentation: Student Organization
Please provide a brief description of the group, including primary class level and major(s): The Society of Women Engineers is a professional undergraduate and graduate organization. We hold many professional, social, outreach, and advocacy events. We strive to provide a safe and strong environment for people of all backgrounds. Even though we are the society of women engineers, we are open to everyone no matter what gender or major, but we do have a large amount of women engineers who attend. For this event we also plan to collaborate with Women In Business, who are a professional organization supporting women who are in the business field and other majors.
Please indicate if you are requesting a presentation as a.... Student
Topic of the program requested: Reviewing Offers/Salary Negotiation
Anticipated attendance 40-60
Preferred presentation date: Tue, 09/19/2023 - 00:00
Alternate presentation date: Thu, 09/21/2023 - 00:00
Preferred presentation start time: 5:00 PM
Preferred presentation end time: 6:30 PM
Requested workshop location In-Person
Desired location I have booked a room in Mothers for 9/19, but if needed we can change the location.
Please provide any additional details or comments you have about the nature of this presentation: Every year the Society of Women Engineers holds a financial series (a three-part event), and we have speakers come in to give a talk on a financial-related topic. We are planning on collaborating with Women in Business and we have decided on a topic of "What to look for when accepting a job/internship offer and Negotiating," so something along those lines. We do get a lot of attendance to our events, and it will be open to everyone! Please let me know if CCPD is available to give a talk and we can schedule a meeting to discuss if needed.
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